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The Fund’s programmes will be consistent with the principle of Leaving No One Behind (LNOB), with a focus on marginalized populations or any group facing multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, including disabled people, youth, sexual and gender-based violence victims, climate refugees, the unemployed, the homeless, and nomads (Kuchi).

Female community members are particularly affected by the crisis, being exposed to significant restrictions and human rights abuses. The Fund’s programmes will promote women empowerment and participation in a prudent, tangible and realistic way that will create no unintended negative consequences to the women involved, their families or communities.

The Fund’s participating organizations will engage local stakeholders in a manner that aims to reduce inequalities, mainstream gender equality principles, and promote the dignity and rights of girls and women by facilitating greater access for women to health care, social protection, vocational training and agricultural livelihoods. The objective is also to provide psychosocial support and counselling, particularly to survivors (women and girls) of gender-based violence.

In addition, interventions will strengthen women’s organizations and self-help groups that provide safe spaces to protect women and children from instability, fragility and insecurity. They will help women and survivors to participate actively in social dialogues, peace committees, local level resilience planning committees and provide alternative livelihoods to the families and women who have lost their source of income due to the current social, economic and political context.

A gender marker will be integrated into the ABADEI Strategy to set targets for allocations to programmes serving women and girls, and to monitor the share of allocations serving women and girls